Sunday, August 17, 2008

Random Updates

1. "The Kutter Diaries" are on hiatus, because...well, I haven't really done anything with Kutter, except respond to author Michael McBride's sarcastic e-mail congratulating me on my progress. It's not due until December, which is forever away, and so I'm going to ride my bike and play with my friends and not worry about the term paper until the night before.

2. Okay, that's not true. I've been working on other stuff. Just not Kutter.

3. Friday I received my author copy of Bits of the Dead, a collection of zombie-themed flash fiction. It has my story "Immunity," in addition to a LOT more artwork than you'll find in your average anthology. You can get it from The Horror Mall!

4. Suckers was the #1 hardcover bestseller from The Horror Mall for August 1-14. But that's not enough! I want to be the #0 bestseller! Buy your copy here:

5. Yesterday I did a pair of interviews, one for Sci-Fi Times TV (video) and one for The Andromeda Library (just my voice). I don't think I embarrassed myself too badly, although you'll be the judge of that. I think both interviews are a couple of months from being available for your viewing/listening pleasure, but keep gaping at this blog for the links when they're available!

6. For those of you waiting on your Mumblecrust prize--the story has been done for several weeks; I'm just having technical difficulties making the actual chapbook. I suck. But it really, truly, honestly shouldn't be too much longer...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Parasitic News

My novel Benjamin's Parasite now has an official release date: February 2009.

As with The Sinister Mr. Corpse, Gleefully Macabre Tales, and Suckers, it'll be published by Delirium Books. But you'll be able to get this book as a trade paperback. Everybody can have one!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Severed Nose

Hey, kids! I can now reveal that my novelette The Severed Nose will be published by Morning Star, an imprint of Bloodletting Press. It begins like this:

"When you kill people for a living, you get used to finding the occasional body part lying around your home. I do not kill people for a living, and so I freaked."

I don't know when it'll be published, or if it'll have a cut-off nose on the cover. Stay tuned for updates.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A New Interview!

Travis Heermann, of The Write Line, just posted an interview with me. You should read it. Here's a URL.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Kutter Diaries, Days Three Through Nine

Days Three through Seven...

I didn't write a single word of Kutter during my vacation in my mom's Wisconsin cabin. I did, however, float down a river in an innertube for three hours (sunburning the holy heck out of my feet but otherwise having a great time); rode in a paddleboat, canoe, and pontoon; grilled steaks for nine people and didn't screw them up; ate way too much cheese; consumed nary a drop of Mountain Dew; shot very poorly with an air pistol until I realized that it was aiming low and to the right; played Yahtzee, Bocce Ball, and ladder golf; tried unsuccessfully to get fish to fall for my clever ruse wherein a perceived food source was actually a piece of rubber with a hook buried within; took doggies for walkies; and typed this blog entry to the sounds of a screaming child on an airplane.

Days Eight and Nine...

I wrote exactly the same amount as days three through seven, but I wasn't at the Wisconsin cabin.

Will there be actual progress tomorrow? Stay tuned...