"Hey, Jeff," you probably think on a regular basis, "whatever happened with that movie PLAYGIARISM that you had a non-speaking bit part in, where you had that one scene where you handed the lead character a copy of MANDIBLES but they cut it out?"
Well, it had its premiere last weekend at SuperCon. I was not there, so I don't know how audiences reacted to my amazing performance as A Guy Sitting In The Audience. I know that during the filming I was asked to convey a multitude of emotions (laughing, exhuberant, looking kinda weepy, etc.) but I don't know how much of my thespian range made it into the final product. At least ONE of my close-ups better have made it in there, dammit.
Writer/director Jose Prendes said that people seemed to enjoy the movie, and he's sending me a DVD so I can see it for myself. Until then, I present these two reviews of PLAYGIARISM. They're not...ummmm...GOOD reviews, but nor do they suggest that my four seconds of screen time ruined the movie, and really, isn't that all that matters?