Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Madness Continues

So yesterday my e-mail account got hacked. Today I got this from Delirium Books:

"Dear Jeff,

You know that book Gleefully Macabre Tales you thought was coming out? It's not anymore. Buh-bye.

Sincerely, D.B."

I am absolutely devastated by this news. And yet it's all very suspicious. Shane Ryan Staley does not sign his e-mails "D.B." He signs them "Shane" and always follows his name with a happy face. Nor does he call me "Jeff," he calls me...well, it's not important what he calls me, but it's not "Jeff." The only part of this e-mail that's credible is the "Buh-bye" part. It feels like the type of e-mail he might write at knife-point...but WHOSE knife's point?

Something is going on, and it may or may not be related to the account hacking, the middle-of-the-night hang-up phone calls, and the mysterious figures currently lurking outside my house. Rest assured, semi-constant reader, that I will not allow my writing career to be compromised by these reprehensible rascals. You WILL get the opportunity to read Gleefully Macabre Tales, I promise, and I'm going to figure out how to handle this situation as soon as I go check out that sound of breaking glass I just heard in my kitc


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