Book of the Week, Episode I
Hey, kids, it's Sunday! And you DON'T know what that means, because it's a brand new feature on this blog: Book of the Week, where I babble about some book that I didn't write but which you should order anyway.
I get asked to read a lot of books for potential quotes saying how awesome they are, and I've been trying to say "NO!!!" like a heartless bastard because I don't want to be seen as a blurb slut. Most of the time, though, I wuss out and say "Sure." It's still pretty cool to read a book before the general public, and some of my favorite books of the year (JOHN DIES AT THE END by David Wong and NOTHING TO LOSE by Steve Vernon) came from blurb requests.
So, over the weekend I finished reading a PDF of Scott T. Goudsward's TRAILER TRASH and thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't know anything about the book beforehand, but I kinda figured from the title that it was some good ol' redneck horror. Nope. It's a vampire novel.
What I liked most about this book is the scope. An amazing amount of stuff happens in 280 pages. In fact, there are almost times where the book moves TOO fast, where you realize that you've covered in a single chapter what another reasonably fast-paced novel would've covered in three, but I'll take this over a novel where vampires stand around moping for 50 pages at a time any day.
Lots of action, lots of suspense, interesting characters, and a touch of humor make TRAILER TRASH a fun, unpretentious read. It doesn't reinvent the vampire mythos or shake the genre to its foundation...but it's a darn good horror novel.

Check it out here:
I get asked to read a lot of books for potential quotes saying how awesome they are, and I've been trying to say "NO!!!" like a heartless bastard because I don't want to be seen as a blurb slut. Most of the time, though, I wuss out and say "Sure." It's still pretty cool to read a book before the general public, and some of my favorite books of the year (JOHN DIES AT THE END by David Wong and NOTHING TO LOSE by Steve Vernon) came from blurb requests.
So, over the weekend I finished reading a PDF of Scott T. Goudsward's TRAILER TRASH and thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't know anything about the book beforehand, but I kinda figured from the title that it was some good ol' redneck horror. Nope. It's a vampire novel.
What I liked most about this book is the scope. An amazing amount of stuff happens in 280 pages. In fact, there are almost times where the book moves TOO fast, where you realize that you've covered in a single chapter what another reasonably fast-paced novel would've covered in three, but I'll take this over a novel where vampires stand around moping for 50 pages at a time any day.
Lots of action, lots of suspense, interesting characters, and a touch of humor make TRAILER TRASH a fun, unpretentious read. It doesn't reinvent the vampire mythos or shake the genre to its foundation...but it's a darn good horror novel.

Check it out here:
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