A New Banner!

My PRESSURE banner ad was starting to get a bit rusty on the hinges, and it wounded me very, very deeply when R.J. Sevin, a heartless and cruel man, suggested that it was time to change it. He used the F-word in his suggestion, because he is also a vulgar, crass, vile gurgling cesspool of a man in addition to having a soul of ice.
Fortunately, Frank Fradella, who is a much better person than R.J., came to my rescue and designed a NEW banner. He even went above and beyond my request and animated it.
Now all of my message board postings can be obnoxious in a whole new way!
Frank is the owner of New Babel Books and author/illustrator of THE COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO DRAWING BASICS. Get thee to his website, www.newbabelbooks.com, and order something. I guar-on-tee you'll say "Whoa! This is an awesome-looking book, and it didn't cost me forty bucks like that frickin' DISPOSAL! I should've ordered stuff from New Babel Books long ago!"
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