Summer Movie Season Begins...
Honestly, in a summer that's going to bring us Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, nothing else really matters, but I'll say this: Iron Man rocked!
In an unrelated note, chocolate-covered pomegrantes are pretty good, too.
In an even more unrelated note, you should visit The Horror Mall and stock up like a madman/madwoman, especially because SUCKERS (featuring Andrew Mayhem) is almost about to start making its way to mailboxes around the world. Here's a helpful link:
In an unrelated note, chocolate-covered pomegrantes are pretty good, too.
In an even more unrelated note, you should visit The Horror Mall and stock up like a madman/madwoman, especially because SUCKERS (featuring Andrew Mayhem) is almost about to start making its way to mailboxes around the world. Here's a helpful link:
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