Book of the Week, Episode V
When Greg Lamberson asked me to write the foreword to his novel JOHNNY GRUESOME, I told him to feel free to keep me in mind as a last-minute emergency backup, but that he should really try to get some B-movie icon instead. This was not me being an unmotivated lazy bum--this book screamed for somebody like Robert Englund to pen the introduction.
The problem with this scenario is that JOHNNY GRUESOME was to be signed by Greg, cover/interior artist Zack McCain, and whoever wrote the foreword. B-movie icons, who sit at tables at conventions and charge twenty bucks a pop to sign their picture, are not generally inclined to sign a few hundred signature sheets for free. Authors, on the other hand, squeal with delight when you hand them one of their own books. "You want me to sign this? Really? Oh, thank you! May I walk your dog for you?"
So I ended up writing the foreword and signing my name over and over and over. In the foreword, I decided that I was going to focus exclusively on JOHNNY GRUESOME: THE NOVEL, but of course the project is noteworthy for an unprecedented amount of tie-in material for a small press horror novel. There's a music CD, created by Giasone and Marcy Italiano, which is damn good. It's in high rotation on my iPod, and stands on its own as far more than just a promo for the book. Greg directed a music video/short film based on the song "Gruesome," which I actually got to see on the big screen at Halloweenapalooza. There are trading cards and comic books and Halloween masks and even a "Johnny Gruesome: Zombie President '08" bumper sticker.
It's the first novel published by Bad Moon Books, who've done several nice-lookin' chapbooks. I could say "for their first novel-length project, Bad Moon has done a phenomenal job," but I don't even need to add the disclaimer. This is a fantastic looking book--period. It more than lives up to the standards of other respected publishers in the limited edition market. C'mon, the interior illustrations are in full color! Sweet!
As for the story itself, it's a fun, gory zombie slasher romp. But an extremely well-written + gory + zombie does not mean that Lamberson skimps on characterization or attention to detail. We care about the characters even when they don't have a homicidal zombie teenager trying to kill them. Fortunately, though, there are plenty of scenes with a homicidal zombie teenager trying to kill them.
Ultimately, whether or not you will enjoy JOHNNY GRUESOME can be determined by a simple glance at the cover. Would you buy a book with that cover? If so, then whip out that credit card and prepare yourself for one wild ride. If you cluck your tongue and turn up your nose and make a little "huff" sound, I cannot in good conscience tell you that you'll enjoy the book.

C'mon over to, kiddies!
The problem with this scenario is that JOHNNY GRUESOME was to be signed by Greg, cover/interior artist Zack McCain, and whoever wrote the foreword. B-movie icons, who sit at tables at conventions and charge twenty bucks a pop to sign their picture, are not generally inclined to sign a few hundred signature sheets for free. Authors, on the other hand, squeal with delight when you hand them one of their own books. "You want me to sign this? Really? Oh, thank you! May I walk your dog for you?"
So I ended up writing the foreword and signing my name over and over and over. In the foreword, I decided that I was going to focus exclusively on JOHNNY GRUESOME: THE NOVEL, but of course the project is noteworthy for an unprecedented amount of tie-in material for a small press horror novel. There's a music CD, created by Giasone and Marcy Italiano, which is damn good. It's in high rotation on my iPod, and stands on its own as far more than just a promo for the book. Greg directed a music video/short film based on the song "Gruesome," which I actually got to see on the big screen at Halloweenapalooza. There are trading cards and comic books and Halloween masks and even a "Johnny Gruesome: Zombie President '08" bumper sticker.
It's the first novel published by Bad Moon Books, who've done several nice-lookin' chapbooks. I could say "for their first novel-length project, Bad Moon has done a phenomenal job," but I don't even need to add the disclaimer. This is a fantastic looking book--period. It more than lives up to the standards of other respected publishers in the limited edition market. C'mon, the interior illustrations are in full color! Sweet!
As for the story itself, it's a fun, gory zombie slasher romp. But an extremely well-written + gory + zombie does not mean that Lamberson skimps on characterization or attention to detail. We care about the characters even when they don't have a homicidal zombie teenager trying to kill them. Fortunately, though, there are plenty of scenes with a homicidal zombie teenager trying to kill them.
Ultimately, whether or not you will enjoy JOHNNY GRUESOME can be determined by a simple glance at the cover. Would you buy a book with that cover? If so, then whip out that credit card and prepare yourself for one wild ride. If you cluck your tongue and turn up your nose and make a little "huff" sound, I cannot in good conscience tell you that you'll enjoy the book.

C'mon over to, kiddies!
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